Senin, 24 Maret 2014

strategy listening toefl

The Listening Comprehension section tests your ability to understand both short and long conversations in English. The section contains recorded material that is similar to what you might hear if you were with a group of students at an English-speaking college or university. The language includes
·         vocabulary and idiomatic expressions common to spoken English
·         special grammatical constructions used in speech
The key to success in working on TOEFL listening :
   1. As you listen to each short conversation, focus on the second line of the conversation. The answer to the question is generally found in the second line of the conversation.
·     If you only understood a few words or ideas in the second line, choose the answer that contains a restatement of those words or ideas.
·   If you did not understand anything at all in the second line of the conversation, choose the answer that sounds the most different from what you heard.
·     Never choose an answer because it sounds like what you heard in the conversation.
    2.  Read the answers and choose the best answer to each question. Remember to answer each question even if you are not sure of the correct response. Never leave any answers blank.
     3.     Understanding Negative Declaration
Determining the answer of a phrase and negative statements with positive statements in conversations that have meaning to the phrase proximityand negative statements.
     4.     Understanding Statement With Idiom
Problem TOEFL frequently used phrases and statements in the form ofconstruction of phrases whose meaning is not the same as the combinedmeaning of the element.
     5.     Understanding Expressions Approval
The phrase consent of certain expressions used by makers about theTOEFL.
     6.     Statement of Understanding Wish
The word that means wish or desire is desire. In the TOEFL test, thewish to imply the meaning that the speaker wants condition contrary tofact.
     7.     Listen to spoken English from multiple sources as much as possible.
Listen to English spoken movies and English spoken TV channels, listen to the radio and as many other listening sources as you may find. It would be better if your passages are academic or close to what is in TOEFL iBT. The more you practice listening, the better listener you will become
     8.     Listen for the main idea.
It is usually found at the beginning of the listening passages, while the details are dispersed throughout the lecture. The main idea will give you understanding of what the conversation/lecture is about. Then you may listen for details.
·        Learn to find how the ideas are presented in the listening passage. Some of the main relations between ideas include cause/effect, compare/contrast, and steps in a process.
·        Learn to listen for signal words that indicate different part of the passage - introduction, major steps, examples, conclusions, etc.
     9.     Build your vocabulary.
While listening, try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from context. It is very important since there is a big chance to come across words you don't know at the real test. Then, you should guess their meaning. Write down every word you don't know and include it in your wordlist. Try to memorize it and use it in your speaking and writing. Flashcards could be a great way to improve your vocabulary.
     10.   Summarize in writing what you have heard, using your notes. Thus, you will learn to find the purpose and main idea of the listening, and also the most important details. You will also learn to take and use notes. It also helps in improving your writing skills.
     11.       Forget about the Reading section.
 Now it is time to fully concentrate on the Listening section.
·    The clock is ticking only when you are answering the questions and not when you are listening to the passages. So, when you listen, forget about the clock.
      12.   Prepare for note-taking.
Before the section starts, write down the words 'main idea', 'major points', and 'important details'. Under which word you will place your notes from the listening passage.
     13.     Answering is different.
In the Listening section you may not return to the previous questions to correct your answers. Nevertheless, you have to confirm twice that you want to move to the next question. First, when you provide your answer you have to press the NEXT button. After pressing the NEXT button you may alter you answer. To move to the next question you have to press OK button. Sometimes test takers forget this and lose important time. Please, set your mind that you have to press two buttons.
      14.  Take a guess.
There is no penalty for an incorrect answer in TOEFL iBT. It doesn't bring any points. If you see you are running out of time, just take a guess and mark answers for all remaining questions. There is 25 % chance to guess the right answer.
      15.   Strengthen your Listening by Reading. Presenting, and Transcribing
Many people think that the best way to improve your listening is to listen, listen, listen. And, yes: this will help. But listening to English is just one of four ways to improve your listening. In addition, we have our students read academic lecture, give presentations on academic topics, and copy written versions of lectures.
     16.  Ear Training
Many students have trouble understanding lectures and conversations because they are unable to hear the words that native speakers of English either verbally contract together or "swallow" when talking. Our ear training exercises help you hear these verbal contractions and these swallowed words so that you will have a better understanding of what you're listening to.
    17.   Explain Wrong Answers
It's not only important to know which answer choice is correct. It is also very important to know why a wrong answer choice is wrong. As we train you to explain why an incorrect answer choice is wrong, you will strengthen your critical ability to answer questions more quickly.
     18.   Write TOEFL Test Questions
If you can begin thinking like a TOEFL-test writer, then you'll be able to identify the tricks and traps TOEFL puts into their answer choices. So we have you wr ite your own TOEFL questions to various TOEFL lectures.
     19.  Align the TOEFL books from easiest to hardest
Because some TOEFL books are more advanced than others, Strictly English has sequenced the TOEFL books on the market from easiest to hardest so that as your study of Listening will become more challenging as you go.

Items test comprehension listening consist of 3 shares, for example :

1.    Short Conversations (Short Dialogues)
In the face of a short conversation test, the easiest trick is to look for similarities or synonym of the core conversation itself. The types are: restate (restatement), negative and positive response statement or otherwise, suggestions (suggestion), passive sentences (passives), who and where (who and where), and approval (agreement).

In this part, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
I don't like this painting very much.
Neither do I.
What does the man mean?
In your test book, you will read:

A.    He doesn't like the painting either.
B.     He doesn't know how to paint.
C.     He doesn't have any paintings.
D.     He doesn't know what to do.
You learn from the conversation that neither the man nor the woman likes the painting. The best answer to the question, "What does the man mean?" is A, "He doesn't like the painting either." Therefore, the correct choice is A.

2.     Dialog Length (Long Dialogues)
In a long dialogue, we are not only required to understand the main idea of the conversation, but also must be able to recall the details of things that are in the conversation. The main requirement to make it easier to answer questions of this type is the ability to hear (listening skills) and advanced levels given the level of capability that is really good.
In this part of the test you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.
(narrator) Listen to a conversation between two friends.
(woman)  Wasn't that a fascinating lecture on dolphins? I didn't know that dolphins traveled in such large groups, or were able to communicate with other members of their group with those whistle like sounds. 
(man) And they also use clicks as a sort of sonar.
(woman) I really couldn't understand that part of the lecture. You could?
(man) Yes, the dolphins use clicks to identify objects in the water; they can even identify tiny objects more than 100 meters away using these clicks. Scientists believe that a dolphin may even have a sonar-like image in its brain of a distant object so that it can identify the object long before the dolphin can actually see the object. 
(woman) So the dolphins use these clicks mostly to identify objects in the water? 
(man) I think so, and they have considerably more ability to do this than humans do.
(woman) It is hard to believe that, in addition to these sonar clicks, dolphins are actually learning some human language.
(man) Yes, I believe that the lecturer said that some dolphins had already 
learned around fifty human commands, and that those dolphins were able to understand not only individual words but words clustered together in sentences! 
(woman) Dolphins must certainly be amazing animals to do all of that.
(man) I'm sure they are, and we're only just beginning to find out how intelligent they are. 

Where did the woman learn about dolphins?
A.    Ina book
B.     From a television program 
C.     During a trip that she took 
D.    From a lecture.

3.    Discussion long (Long Talks)
Process to answer this question is no different from the process of answering a long dialogue. In addition to the ability level of advance, notice that the questions in the order issued definitive information that we listen to.
In this part of the test you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
(Narator)Listen to an instructor talk to his class about a television program.
(Man)I'd like to tell you about an interesting TV program that'll be shown 
this coming Thursday. It'll be on from 9 to 10 p.m. on Channel 4. It's part 
of a series called "Mysteries of Human Biology." The subject of the program 
is the human brain — how it functions and how it can malfunction. Topics
 that will be covered are dreams, memory, and depression. These topics
 are illustrated with outstanding computer animation that makes the 
explanations easy to follow. Make an effort to see this show. Since 
we've been studying the nervous system in class, I know you'll find it very helpful.

In your test book, you will read:  

A. To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics.

B. To discuss the possibility of an economic depression.

C. To explain the workings of the brain.

D. To dramatize a famous mystery story.
The best answer to the question, "What is the main purpose of the program?" is C, 
"To explain the workings of the brain." Therefore, the correct choice is C